Module 1

Mastering Abundance
with Jack Canfield
Affectionately known as “America’s #1 Success Coach,” Jack has studied and reported on what makes successful people different. He knows what motivates them, what drives them, and what inspires them. He brings this critical insight to countless audiences internationally—sharing his success strategies in the media, with companies, universities and professional associations.
Study Materials

The Success Principles Audio Course
31 MP3 Audios totaling 12 hours, 46 minutes and a 96 page PDF workbook.
Retail value $99

2 Chapters from The Success Principles
94 Page PDF, the first two chapters of the NYT Bestselling book
Retail value $Priceless

Awakening Power: Guided Meditations for Success
A total of 5 hours and 36 minutes worth of MP3s and a 30 page PDF
Retail value $115
Module 1 Description
Jack Canfield’s revolutionary 30-day program, The Success Principles, will help you accomplish any goal, live any dream, and become successful in any area you choose. The Success Principles provide you with daily written exercises to help you incorporate these new attitudes and behaviors into your life.
Step-by-step, over just 30 days’ time, you’ll discover (and implement) the proven success principles that have helped catapult the world’s leading achievers to the pinnacle of their career, and to the top of their field.
What you will learn:
It doesn’t matter if your goals are to be the top salesperson in your company, lose weight, become a better parent, increase your confidence, buy your dream home or make millions of dollars – Jack can help you develop a clear, personal plan of action that will completely transform your life into exactly what you want it to be.
The world will open its bounty and riches to you, all because you’ve made the daily journey through exercises and success principles like these:
- Articulate your unique appeal so the world’s resources gravitate toward you
- Access powerful mentors and friends, who will open doors for you as you seek success
- Say “no” to the good, so you’ll have room in your life to say “yes” to the great
- Complete past projects, relationships, and hurts, so you can embrace the future
- Tell the truth sooner to save you from disaster as you move forward to success
- Change the outcome of any event, simply by changing your response to it
- Prepare and be instantly ready when opportunity comes knocking
Jack will also describe, in detail, the unique time management system that insures you’ll always have enough time to focus on your success.

"Jack Canfield is a true master. He understands what it takes to lead a successful life, and in The Success Principles he puts all the key elements together in one place for the rest of the world to see."
T. Harv Eker
“Jack Canfield is one of the most insightful speakers and teachers in the world today. After you have spent time with him, internalizing his ideas and insights, you will be changed in a positive way for the rest of your life.”
Brian Tracy
“Jack is a master’s master at peak performance training because he delivers the principles, exercises and depth of content necessary to breakthrough and unleash your own God-given potential.”
Mark Victor Hansen
Module 2

Magnetizing & Manifesting Abundance
with Christy Whitman
Christy Whitman is a New York Times bestselling author, transformational leader, and author of The Art of Having It All. As the CEO and founder of the Quantum Success Coaching Academy, a 12-month Law of Attraction coaching certification program, Christy has helped thousands of people worldwide to achieve their goals through her empowerment seminars, speeches, and coaching sessions.
Study Materials

Magnetizing & Manifesting Abundance 4-Week Coaching Course
Four MP3 Audio downloads totaling 5 hours and 45 minutes, with a 27 page PDF workbook.
Retail value $97

Magnetizing & Manifesting Meditations
8 Guided Meditation MP3s totaling 2 hours and 10 minutes
Retail value $Priceless

Abundance Principle 6-Week Coaching Course
Six 1-hour MP3 audio coaching sessions with PDF transcripts, 3 PDF Worksheets, and a 48 page PDF workbook
Retail value $97
Module 2 Description
Why is it that even after we place our intentions to create success, manage our minds to be more positive, and take the necessary action steps towards our goals, we still don’t receive the level of success we desire?
The answer is – there is an unconscious part of you that sabotages our success, and only allows you to receive a certain level of abundance.
If you believe (consciously or unconsciously) that you are only worth a certain level of success, you will never go beyond that level.
Abundance is defined as an all-sufficiency of supply, a full measure of infinite good.
There are principles of success, abundance, prosperity, and wealth that, when learned and applied during this program, will free you from lack and limitation.
During this module, we will work with the beliefs that hold you back from having the success and abundance that you really do deserve.
We will work with all parts of yourself to align your being with success, abundance, well-being, and joy – because that alignment is the first step to manifesting those conditions.
What you will learn:
- Learn to turn on your money “magnet” and draw in abundance at a cellular level
- Release your fear of success or failure
- Talk to the part of you (subpersonality) that creates your prosperity, and give it a new vision of who you are and what you want. (This is one of the most powerful techniques known for creating rapid changes in your reality!)
- Imagine success in every area of your life; go beyond any previous limits, and allow yourself to have your dreams
- Become more confident, accept and love yourself, and feel successful
- Become more powerful and confident
- Let go of any fears that may be holding you back from having abundance
- Believe in yourself and your unlimited capacity to create prosperity and anything you want

"This is the best program if you want to learn about and implement the Law of Attraction principles in any area of your life! This program gives you those tools plus teaches you the business side of coaching! I’m so grateful that I am taking this program because my life is changing for the better and it’s because I’m changing how I think and look at everything. It has given me permission to use my imagination again and to hold the space for what I really want to show up."
Michelle Anderson
“Christy, I have to share this with you: I took the Magnetizing and Manifesting class this past summer and visualized $10k that I was creating for myself….and since this summer, I have had more than the $10K coming my way in different forms and my business has never been so successful! I am so grateful for this awesome program you offer! Thank you!”
Carine Kindinger
“We took The Abundance Principle Course together. Alex received a job promotion with an 18% pay increase within a month of completing your course. I created my dream job making an additional $30k per year, with better benefits and one more week vacation within a week of the class. Our relationship also improved as a result of taking this course.”
Alex & Tish Valdez
Module 3

Awakened Wealth
with Derek Rydall
Through two decades of speaking, teaching, coaching and writing, Derek Rydall has built a global platform that touches hundreds of thousands of people around the planet with his message on finding your path, living your purpose and making a powerful impact in the world!
Study Materials

The 8 Stages of Emergineering
8 MP3 Audios totaling more than 9 hours, 149 pages of PDF transcripts and one 29 page PDF workbook
Retail value $97

Awakened Wealth Home Study Program
Five MP3 Audio downloads totaling 8 hours and 30 minutes, with a 20 pages of PDF worksheets.
Retail value $147

Excavating the Soul Vision Workshop
One 57-minute MP3
Retail value $97
Module 3 Description
This program awakens you to the “wealth bank account” that is already yours — it’s always been there!
These are the same principles that allowed Derek Rydall to double and triple his income year after year, create best-selling books, sell screenplays, build a thriving coaching business, travel the world, buy dream homes, and live a life and make an impact truly beyond his wildest dreams!
And these principles have helped his clients around the world do the same — transforming their lives, from bankruptcy to more business than they could handle; from feeling broken to launching a dream business; from being lost to making a living doing what they love.
Clients have manifested more money (a lot more), had profound inner breakthroughs, begun living their life’s purpose — and even found better parking spaces!
Seriously, just the better parking spaces alone is worth it!
This program will reveal the secret of your real power, the ancient truth great teachers have tried to explain but that has been largely lost. A principle that leaders in every field have utilized to create masterpieces, build empires, and ignite revolutionary forces that have propelled society forward, yet it has rarely been understood or easily repeated.
What you will learn:
- How to ask for what you’re worth, earn what you want, keep more of what you have – and feel great about it!
- Seeing others as the channel of your good, not the Source! A powerful lesson that has helped me earn more in a way that doesn’t take anything from others but actually ADDS massive value to them!
- Self-worth and net-worth congruence practice: This is the Emergineering part of the process, where we continue activate the inner vibration that is in integrity with the life of abundance trying to emerge through you
- The real cause of debt – and how to eliminate it forever!
- Awakened wealth actions: (top secret!)
- Quantum healing: Prepare to be healed, uplifted, and radically transformed!
- Your awakened wealth af-from-ations: This will rewire your values conflicts, and crank up production on your Inner Power Plant
- Redefining your awakened wealth vision: After all you’ve been through, all that’s been uprooted, integrated, and healed, we revisit your vision and make sure it’s as big, bold, and abundant as possible
- Uncovering your values conflicts around wealth, money, and success
- The money mastery map: Derek will help you uncover your monthly money goal, money miracle goal, money freedom goal, and money mastery goal
- The daily L.I.F.T. practice: Here, you’ll develop the daily process for activating the Visionary Vibration of wealth – eventually setting it on autopilot!
- The 40-day giving challenge: As you set this powerful intention, you’ll learn how to let go of getting and become a master at giving – which will open up the windows of heaven in your life and pour forth a blessing too big to even receive!
- Your awakened wealth plan: Derek shows you how to put all this together into a structure that you can apply with ease and fun

"Derek Rydall is a true gem. He embodies a Grace and a knowing that sets him apart from all others in the personal growth movement. His work works. I encourage anyone with the slightest inkling to work with Derek to go for it. You won’t be disappointed."
Leslie B
"I have been a counselor for twenty years. I own a web site. I have worked with many people. Your work is the first that I can say is truly coming from your greatness, wealth, abundance and love. I feel it every time I do another piece of this valuable inner work. Thank you, thank you. Be blessed more than you can even imagine."
Judi Larson
Derek Rydall is a modern day mystic and practical transformational teacher! With Derek's Emergence guidance, I am now "giving what I was missing" in my life, relationships, and my new coaching business. These breakthroughs and transformations have literally changed my life!"
Tracey Thompson
Module 4

Releasing Resistance to Money
with Carol Look
Carol Look, LCSW, is an author, speaker, coach, and is a founding EFT Master and has been a pioneer and leading voice in the EFT (Tapping) community for 18 years. She is known for combining her distinguished background in traditional psychotherapy with energy medicine for unprecedented innovations in the application of EFT.
Study Materials

The Energy of Money
25 MP3 Audio Downloads totaling more than 3 hours, and an 87 page PDF transcript of all sessions
Retail value $75

The Vibration of Abundance
13 hours of MP3 Audio Downloads, including 6 recorded coaching calls, and a 384 page PDF transcript
Retail value $97

Clear Your Fear of Success And Let Yourself Shine!
15 MP3s totaling 4 hours
Retail value $197
Module 4 Description
When you just can’t seem to reach the success that you’ve been working so hard for, there may be more going on than just bad luck or unusual circumstances.
You are a conscious creator. If you are creating your own reality, then what’s really holding you back is of your own creation. Often this is something deep inside of you, an intangible block that just won’t let you completely realize your dreams.
The real culprit is… FEAR OF SUCCESS!
This module is designed to gently guide you through the necessary steps to clear your fear of success using EFT (even if you didn’t realize you had this fear!) and help you move swiftly and easily towards realizing all of your goals.
EFT Master Carol Look knows how to help you clear your money conflicts once and for all. Listen in and tap along to her tapping sequences, where Carol will help you identify your money fears and worries, and lead you through tapping exercises to release scarcity.
What you will learn:
EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), also known as ‘tapping,’ is a form of psychological acupuncture that uses light tapping with your fingertips (instead of inserting needles) to stimulate traditional Chinese acupuncture points.
- There is enough… when you change the energy you attach to money, there will be more than enough abundance for you in your life.
- Define what success really means when “life happens”
- Gain crystal clarity on who your “best self” is and what that looks like in all areas of your life!
- Discover the real fears that have been causing you to “play small”
- Identify the upside of staying invisible and why this is so important to release
- Clear your fear of “rocking their boat” so you can succeed no matter what
- Provide an easy set of tools to help you maintain your new success mindset and clarity even when “life happens”
- Help you realize your brilliance and enjoy success breakthroughs with ease

“Carol Look’s programs are amazing! My life has improved in so many areas since I started to tap along with Carol and her programs. Her intuitive depth, and her ability to identify core issues and then to laser in on the heart of the matter are what truly make Carol a world expert at what she does.”
Lynn Rekvig
“Using EFT and Law of Attraction with Carol Look’s coaching program has definitely worked! I am very happy, constantly in a state of gratitude and look forward to going to work every Monday as I am wondering what great surprise will I realize this week! I can’t thank you enough.”
John C
“I am extremely grateful to Carol Look for changing my life, particularly in the area of financial abundance (but truly so much more). My life and success continued to skyrocket. A long held job which had become burdensome and stale feels fresh exciting and all the daily issues and stressors that are part of the job I now handle with ease and flow. My life, health and relationships have improved exponentially. I credit all the changes in my life and that of my family to Carol Look and her authentic, generous and incredibly powerful products.”
Leslie Vellios
Module 5

The Pathway to Prosperity
with Emmanuel Dagher
Emmanuel Dagher has become recognized internationally as one of the most compassionate mystics of our time. With a background in Spiritual Psychology and an abundance of advanced certifications in holistic and alternative healing therapies, Emmanuel shares his gifts with all those who are ready to start receiving it.
Study Materials

The OMG Path to Greater Abundance
8 MP3 Audios totaling more than 4.5 hours
Retail value $197

Four 60 minute MP3s and 3 PDF Action Worksheets
Retail value $197

5 Step Money Healing Process
1 MP3 totaling 10 minutes
Retail value $19
Module 5 Description
Each session you co-create with Emmanuel begins with connecting to Source Energy, the Zero-Point Energy Field of infinite possibility.
From this space, you will then release the root blocks and patterns often developed during past lifetimes and earlier on in life, that may still be keeping you from adding the OMG into your experience of abundance!
This is done through a modality called Core Energy Therapy©, which combines several holistic healing therapies that are based on applied quantum physics.
This method allows us to anchor healing on a conscious, subconscious and cellular level to lift out the deeply rooted blocks, traumas and patterns that may be keeping you from living the life you desire most. This healing system will help you to transform your life from the inside-out.
The releasing/healing portion of each session prepares you to then fully receive an abundance activation. During every session, you will also be given an action step to help anchor the healing we co-create during our time together.
What you will learn:
- Clear the most common blocks that prevented you from experiencing a prosperous life
- Open yourself up to receiving all of your Divine Inheritance
- Receive powerful time tested tools & processes to create a healthy relationship with your finances
- Experience money as the sacred & spiritual gift that it truly is
- Step into & maintain a new paradigm of true prosperity
Reconnect with the infinite stream of abundance that lives within & all around you. The days of living in a mentality of lack are over!
This life changing series has supported thousands in creating a paradigm shift with the way they experience prosperity forever, and now YOU have access to it.
Get ready for the transformation of your LIFETIME!

“It is absolutely awesome to feel the shift: I get out of the hospital I work in, feel tired, got a long day. I enter my car, Emmanuel’s music plays on and *switch* it feels better, I sing along, enjoy the music and the positive vibrations. I am already waiting for the next album to follow.”
Céline Kever
“Play my way into prosperity? I did not even comprehend what Emmanuel was talking about when he first mentioned this to me. Through working together, I finally understood it. My financial situation has since completely shifted from being in major debt to being debt free and abundantly thriving within a 6 month time. I'm glad there was a part of me strong enough to ask for help."
Fred Seizmore
"My work with Emmanuel has catapulted the most powerful and rapid healing process of my life. I'm still pinching myself because I still can't believe it! I continue to work with Emmanuel on a consistent basis and all the doors that were once closed to me, have completely opened up from my body healing to my ability to feel real happiness again, and so much more, I am so grateful."
Paige Lauder
Module 6

Creating What You Truly Desire
with Dr Dain Heer
Dr Heer is an internationally renowned author, speaker and facilitator of consciousness and change, inviting people to embrace their true greatness—people from every culture, country, age and social strata of society. Originally trained as a chiropractor, he has a completely different approach to healing by facilitating people to tap into and recognize their own abilities and knowing.
Study Materials

Being You & Ending the Struggle with Money
Two MP3s totaling 6 Hours & 12 Minutes
Retail value $300

7 Step Guide to Changing the Way You Function with Money
7 Videos totaling 72 Minutes
Retail value $300

Finding the Greatness of You Telecall Series
A total of 3 hours and 11 minutes over 3 mp3s
Retail value $350
Module 6 Description
In this Special Online Training with Dr. Dain Heer, 7 videos provide concrete practices for you to change the fundamental way you function with money. If you’re willing, this could forever change your whole financial reality! Are you ready for that?
Using the Access Clearing Statement, Dain will clear any blocks and structures that have been keeping you from manifesting the abundance you deserve.
Listen to these processes while you sleep, while you commute, while you meditate, or while you walk. Sow the seeds of abundance in your thinking, and you will see those thoughts manifest into wealth in the real world.
Remember, your point of view creates your reality, your reality doesn’t create your point of view. By using these tools and processes, at certain point your attention will come off of money as a significance, which will actually allow you to have all the money you’d like by asking for it.
Have you decided you have a money problem? This module will reframe how you look at money and what you’ve decided are your problems. This will allow you to start getting creative, rather than being a problem solver who has to create problems to solve.
This changes the energies that leads to your thoughts, before they even become thoughts. This starts undoing what is limiting you and your money flows and will allow you to tap into the infinite possibilities available to you.
There’s no such thing as a money problem, the only problem is your ability to receive.
What you will learn:
- What if you have more greatness than anybody has ever told you?
- What if you have more possibilities available to you than you’ve ever acknowledged?
- Is now the time to make space for something larger?
- Is the box called “your life” ready for an upgrade?
Asking these questions of yourself, using the special verbal processes that form the foundation of Access Consciousness, can completely revolutionize your inner relationship with money. And as you probably know, your inner relationship to money is what guides your outer relationship with money.

"Wow, I just finished listening to your phenomenal audio book. I am 17 years old and have been practicing Access Consciousness in the past few months. Just listening to your first chapter brought me to the new level of consciousness I always knew was possible, and feel more vibrant than ever!"
– Carly
"Thank you, thank you, thank you for the gift of your amazing book! Thank you for helping me embrace that my questioning, wondering, curiosity, playfulness, oddities, serial entrepreneurship, quest for knowledge, need to know more, desire to be bigger, eagerness to see what else is possible and so much more were in fact human limitations and not my own."
– Kristen
"So I’m totally done with being pathetic and not me… so many of the limitations are just gone. Lots of awarenesses of stuff from a long time ago have been showing up – I am starting to remember when I had a much greater sense of a different reality – so I can see all the things I gave up (including me) and also sense more of what can be possible now, way beyond those original perceptions… very fun! And of course there is my body – beautiful body – wow it’s like having a new body. So much more of everything – happy happy happy body!"
– Lisa
Module 7

Millionaire Mindset Secrets
with Joe Vitale
Dr Joe Vitale is the author of The Attractor Factor, Life’s Missing Instruction Manual, The Key, Faith, Attract Money Now and Zero Limits. He’s also recorded many Nightingale-Conant audio programs, including The Awakening Course, The Missing Secret, The Abundance Paradigm, The Ultimate Law of Attraction Library and The Zero Point. His Miracles Coaching® program helps people understand the deeper aspects of the Law of Attraction and the law of right action.
Study Materials

Awakened Millionaire Secrets
9 hours of streaming video and 13 hours of streaming audio from the Awakened Millionaire Weekend Live Event
Retail value $997

Attract Money Now! Home Study Course
10+ Hours of video presentations from the live Attract Money Now! event
Retail value $497

Attract a New Car
4 MP3s totaling 4 hours, and 128 pages of PDF transcripts
Retail value $19.97
Module 7 Description
Are you ready to leave all your financial limits behind, and think like an Awakened Millionaire?
Joe Vitale is on an inspired mission to help you start (or transform) a business that creates as many streams of income as you desire.
No matter what condition your finances are in, the theories, practices, and experiential exercises within this program will assist you in creating more financial abundance in your life with a greater sense of ease and well being.
You can dispel any beliefs that may have put you in a place of victimhood, scarcity, and lack in your life, and create new practices and beliefs that will put you in a place of personal empowerment and financial well-being.
Joe provides you with practices, theories, and tools that can literally shift your life into one in which attracting money and creating continuing business opportunities become an ongoing occurrence.
What You Will Learn:
You’ll discover how an Awakened Millionaire thinks (this one Secret transformed Mr. Fire from homelessness to success!) You will also learn:
- What it means to be awakened and why it’s so important
- How you can create your own awakened life filled with miracles
- The steps to get out of the “victim” mentality
- Ways to turn your fears into catalysts for success
- How to move beyond ego
- 5 steps for attracting anything or anyone into your life
- The missing secret for making the Law of Attraction work every time
- How the universe works (the real truth)
- Cleaning and clearing methods allowing miracles
- New perspectives on money, role models, and the power of your unconscious
- How to re-state complaints into positive life-changing intentions
- The role gratitude plays in attracting what you want in your life
- How to co-create with the Divine
- A rare Hawaiian healing method and how you can use it to clean blocks
- How to prepare yourself to become “awakened”
- Answers to questions on spirituality, ego, fear, children, and business

“Just when you think you understand how the world works Joe Vitale comes along and takes you to a whole new place. He's engaging, entertaining, enlightening and - oh boy - does he ever stretch your thinking.”
Ian P.
“Dr Vitale, thank you very much. I started to do everything you talk about on your CDs and it's WORKING!!!!! Nobody, NO ONE - helped me more with my own personal development as you have. I sincerely thank you. Keep up the good work. You are a credit to your craft. ”
Marie Horocki
“I have spent the last 30 years, reading, attending seminars, and calls about all kinds of spiritual information. Some of the information has been vague or left questions in my mind. Joe's calls were the exception to the last 30 years that I have spent searching for "real specifics" on manifesting anything that one really and truly desires. Not only did I thoroughly enjoy all the calls for "Attract a New Car," but I strongly recommend Joe's book The Attractor Factor. Could be my favorite book on how to attract anything you want."
Jackie Rosenfeld
Module 8

The Formula for Wealth
with Brent Phillips
Brent Phillips is an energy healing practitioner, instructor, and author who is dedicated to discovering and applying the scientific laws and principles underlying miraculous instant healing, financial abundance, and loving relationships. He is the author of two books, Where Science Meets Spirit: The Formula for Miracles and Spiritual Weight Loss. He has also developed a revolutionary audio technology that reprograms your subconscious mind while you listen to it and is utilized in the programs below.
Study Materials

The Formula for Wealth
8 hours of video and 8 hours of audio
Retail value $397

30 Days to Spiritual Awakening
32 MP3s totaling 8 hours and 154 pages of PDF worksheets
Retail value $397

6 Recordings of the World Wide Wealth Club
Six One-hour MP3s
Retail value $120
Module 8 Description
This is one of the most powerful prosperity programs ever created! This goes way beyond the usual Law of Attraction material that you’ve heard before.
With The Formula For Wealth, you can use special binaural beats audio technology and embedded healing energy to release your subconscious blocks to wealth, prosperity, and success!
The truth is that using the Law of Attraction to get real results in your life requires applying the Law of Attraction in a deeper, more subtle way than you have seen before…in particular, you need to harness the power of your subconscious mind.
Typical Law of Attraction books, workshops, DVDs, and audio programs only teach how to harness a small portion of your power – maybe 10-20% if you are lucky.
BUT: if you are truly ready to see serious results in your life now, you need to harness the full 100% power of your mind. You need to use The Formula for Wealth!
How Does The Formula for Wealth Work?
First, you’ll learn state of the art secrets, insights, and applications of spiritual principles that go far beyond what you’ve heard before to make you a much more powerful manifester and a clear channel for unbounded wealth to flow to you.
The block clearing sections of this program use custom designed sub-audible binaural beats that will put you into a deep theta brainwave to actually reprogram your subconscious mind and clear your blocks to wealth, success, and prosperity.
What You Will Learn:
- Clear the 347 most common blocks to prosperity and financial success
- Learn eight simple secrets to let you get maximum benefit from every program, class, and healing/coaching session for the entire rest of your life
- Learn the five primary reasons you haven’t been able to win money using the Law of the Attraction for lotteries, gambling, and the stock market
- Discover the seven tools for higher dimensional living that will allow you to thrive and make millions, even in the midst of economic chaos money
- Learn how to recognize and avoid the Seven Deadly Law of Attraction Mistakes
- Learn the secret truths (that even most teachers don’t know) and bust the six most prevalent Law of Attraction myths
- Turbo-charge your prosperity by learning the powerful secret techniques of embodiment
- Discover the most powerful and most effective wish board/life map technique ever developed

“Brent is an amazing, clear, organized, funny and down-to-earth teacher, which I appreciate. His intentions are neutral, very much for good, without the ‘guru’ or power/ego trip that some great teachers fall into.”
“I truly wasn’t expecting anything to occur immediately, but literally the minute I finished the clearing program and took the headphones out of my ears, my brother sent me an electronic transfer of some money he owed me. Although I had no doubt he would pay me within the next week or two, I found the timing of his sending it through email to be EXTREMELY coincidental, such that it has to be related to me unblocking something and not a coincidence. It was truly amazing. I’m a believer and can’t wait to continue through the programs!! Thank you."
“I manifested a much-needed reliable automobile that with some repairs is now worth about $4,000. Two weeks later, a 1990 Toyota Camry in excellent condition and low mileage was given to my wife. My state of being has shifted from fear and self doubt to self-confidence and peace of mind. For the first time ever, I feel like I’m in charge of my life. This training has been one of the best things I ever manifested. "
All bonuses are available immediately to those who purchase the Money Manifestation Summit.
Bonus 1 – Money Manifestation Interviews
Eight 60-minute Video Interviews
by Lisa Garr and her guests
These conversations contain some of the most targeted, practical advice for how someone can change their emotional vibration to attract more money. Join Lisa as she interviews every guest on the Money Manifestation Summit for an exclusive interview about the richest topic of them all.
Retail Value: $99.00
Bonus 2 – The Abundance Manifesto
31 Page PDF download
by Dr Joe Vitale
Life is abundant, clear and simple. If you’re not in it, or feeling it, it’s because you’ve temporarily blocked your awareness of it. That’s what the 10 Principles of Abundance in this book is about – bringing awareness to the ways we block abundance, and the ways we can access it.
Retail Value: $49.00
Bonus 3 – Daily Disciplines for Success
A high-resolution PDF of the Daily Success Principles Poster, and an accompanying 3-page PDF
by Jack Canfield
Jack’s most powerful daily success practices are laid out in this specially-designed inspirational poster. In the accompanying action guide, he’ll also show you how to incorporate them into your own daily habits.
Retail Value: $49.00
Bonus 4 – Limiting Belief Obliterator
17 Minute MP3
by Morgana Rae
Quickly and easily go back to the root cause of your limitations, and transform your past to create an unlimited future! Discover your hidden blocks to abundance, transform your relationship into an ally, release limiting beliefs, and take the next steps to attracting more wealth!
Retail Value: $17.00
Bonus 5 – Four Step Wealth Formula
One 52 minute MP3
by Emmanuel Dagher
This supercharged energy healing session removes blocks from your abundance channels in four simple steps.
Retail Value: $175.00
Bonus 6 – The Millionaire Matrix
21 Page PDF
by Robert Allen
Working for someone else is an honorable way to earn a living. Billions of people do it every day. However, a few of us chafe at the thought of working for someone else. We know we were destined for something grander. The difference between owning the mothership and working on the mothership is huge, and the Millionaire Matrix shows you why.
Retail Value: $27.00
Bonus 7 – Access Consciousness Starter Pack
7 Minute Video & 3 Page PDF
by Dr Dain Heer
This is an invitation and introduction to the Clearing Statement used in Access Consciousness. The simple, short statement can clear and release unknown energy blocks, so long as you understand and internalize the concepts in the Clearing Statement in advance. This is the foundation of the worldwide phenomenon known as Access Consciousness.
Retail Value: $Priceless
Bonus 8 – Ending the Struggle with Money Processes
75 Minute MP3
by Dr Dain Heer
This special loop of verbal processes have been compiled especially for the Money Manifestation Summit. Using the Access Clearing Statement, Dain will clear any blocks that have been keeping you from manifesting abundance. Listen to these processes while you sleep, while you commute, while you meditate, or while you walk. Sow the seeds of abundance in your thinking, and you will see those thoughts manifest into wealth in the real world.
Retail Value: $150
Bonus 9 – Cracking the Rich Code
41 Minute MP3
by Jim Britt
If you want to know how to make more money faster, then this audio is for you! You’ll discover the cure for a lean bank account and limited success and how to stamp out financial lack. If you want something more out of life, and want more financial success and success in business, then you need the insights and mindset contained within this audio.
Retail Value: $19.00
Bonus 10 – The Mantra of All Mantras
One 13.5 minute MP3 and accompanying PDF
by Emmanuel Dagher
After chanting devotedly for several years, Emmanuel combined the mantras that align the devotee with a spiritual ideal into one ‘super mantra.’ This special mantra is invokes the deity Lakshmi, the Hindu goddess of wealth and abundance.
Retail Value: $27.00

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