Learn How Successful Millionaires Manifest Wealth and Abundance
A personal message from your host, Lisa Garr
No matter how much we want to focus our life on awareness, we still need attention on our finances.
Money is the lifeblood of our daily experience. It is the fuel for our ability to do what we want in the physical world. The pulse of our cashflow can dominate our thinking, in a positive or a negative way, and finances can prevent (or enhance) our ability to enjoy our life in peace and comfort.
Let me ask you a few questions…
- Do you find yourself fretting about money every day?
- Do you wake up in the middle of the night afraid that your big dream will never happen?
- Did you try one of those Law of Attraction programs before, hoping that it could cure all your financial distress?
I know how disappointing it can be, when you spend so much time and energy visualizing something that doesn’t come to pass. You recite your affirmations every morning, you make your vision board, and your big goal just doesn’t happen.
At the end of the day, do you just want somebody to write you a check for everything you’ve ever wanted?
I completely understand, because I feel that way sometimes too. That’s why I created the Money Manifestation Summit.
These 8 different modules provide you step-by-step guidance to help you identify and remove your own money blocks, understand the fundamental principles that millionaires live by, and practical exercises to put you on the right path.
This gathering of financial visualization masters has helped me to visualize and manifest my own wealth and remove my blocks to prosperity. And you can too! This unique program will help you manifest the highest levels of abundance that you can imagine.
Something I’ve learned from The Aware Show, where I get to have conversations with some of the most powerful manifestors in the world, is that if you can visualize it well enough, and take inspired action, then you can achieve a life filled with anything you want.
If all of the lessons in this summit could be distilled into one piece of wisdom, it would be this:
You have to feel the way you want to feel as a successful, financially abundant person in order to attract the resources that naturally generate this feeling. Acting “as if” you’ve made it directly leads to being successful in your life.
These masters of manifestation have developed tools, exercises, and processes for accomplishing this very simple step – and they can teach them to you.
I look forward to hearing your own story of fabulous success.
How to Attract More Money Using the Law of Attraction

Jack Canfield
Module 1
Mastering Abundance
Learn and Live by the Principles of Success
You have the power to create anything you want in life!

The Success Principles Audio Course
Retail value $99

2 Chapters from The Success Principles
94 Page PDF, the first two chapters of the NYT Bestselling book
Retail value $Priceless

Awakening Power: Guided Meditations for Success
A total of 5 hours and 36 minutes worth of mp3s and a 30 page PDF
Retail value $115
"Jack Canfield is a true master. He understands what it takes to lead a successful life, and in The Success Principles he puts all the key elements together in one place for the rest of the world to see."
T. Harv Eker

Christy Whitman
Module 2
Magnetizing & Manifesting Abundance
Attract, Create and Manage Success In Your Life
Align yourself with success, abundance, well-being, and joy by magnetizing yourself to manifest anything you want.

Magnetizing & Manifesting Abundance 4-Week Coaching Course
Four MP3 Audio downloads totaling 5 hours and 45 minutes, with a 27 page PDF workbook.
Retail value $97

Magnetizing & Manifesting Meditations
8 Guided Meditation MP3s totaling 2 hours and 10 minutes
Retail value $Priceless

Abundance Principle 6-Week Coaching Course
Six 1-hour MP3 audio coaching sessions with PDF transcripts, 3 PDF Worksheets, and a 48 page PDF workbook
Retail value $97
“We took The Abundance Principle Course together. Alex received a job promotion with an 18% pay increase within a month of completing your course. I created my dream job making an additional $30k per year, with better benefits and one more week vacation within a week of the class.”
Alex & Tish Valdez

Derek Rydall
Module 3
Awakened Wealth
Master The Energy of Money, Manifest More Than You Can Imagine!
Learn the true nature of wealth, and how to awaken it within you.

The 8 Stages of Emergineering
8 MP3 Audios totaling more than 9 hours, 149 pages of PDF transcripts and one 29 page PDF workbook
Retail value $97

Awakened Wealth Home Study Program
Five MP3 Audio downloads totaling 8 hours and 30 minutes, with a 20 pages of PDF worksheets.
Retail value $147

Excavating the Soul Vision Workshop
One 57-minute MP3
Retail value $97
Derek Rydall is a modern day mystic and practical transformational teacher! With Derek's Emergence guidance, I am now "giving what I was missing" in my life, relationships, and my new coaching business. These breakthroughs and transformations have literally changed my life!"
Tracey Thompson

Carol Look
Module 4
Releasing Resistance to Money
Use EFT Tapping To Release Abundance Blocks
If you change your vibration, you change what shows up in your life.

The Energy of Money
25 MP3 Audio Downloads totaling more than 3 hours, and an 87 page PDF transcript of all sessions
Retail value $75

The Vibration of Abundance
13 hours of MP3 Audio Downloads, including 6 recorded coaching calls, and a 384 page PDF transcript
Retail value $97

Clear Your Fear of Success And Let Yourself Shine!
15 MP3s totaling 4 hours
Retail value $197
“Using EFT and Law of Attraction with Carol Look’s coaching program has definitely worked! I am very happy, constantly in a state of gratitude and look forward to going to work every Monday as I am wondering what great surprise will I realize this week! I can’t thank you enough.”
John C

Emmanuel Dagher
Module 5
The Pathway to Prosperity
Co-Creating Real Life Miracles
Your Divine Inheritance is calling, ready to drench you with the golden riches you deserve to experience! Are you ready?

The OMG Path to Greater Abundance
8 MP3 Audios totaling more than 4.5 hours
Retail value $197

Four 60 minute MP3s and 3 PDF Action Worksheets
Retail value $197

5 Step Money Healing Process
1 MP3 totaling 10 minutes
Retail value $19
“Play my way into prosperity? I did not even comprehend what Emmanuel was talking about when he first mentioned this to me. Through working together, I finally understood it. My financial situation has since completely shifted from being in major debt to being debt free and abundantly thriving within a 6 month time. I'm glad there was a part of me strong enough to ask for help."
Fred Seizmore

Dr Dain Heer
Module 6
Creating What You TRULY Desire, Starting Today
What If Being Yourself Is All The Change You Need?
Imagine what is possible for the dreamers of this world when they finally have the right tools to manifest anything!

Being You & Ending the Struggle with Money
Two MP3s totaling 6 Hours & 12 Minutes
Retail value $300

7 Step Guide to Changing the Way You Function with Money
7 Videos totaling 72 Minutes
Retail value $300

Finding the Greatness of You Telecall Series
A total of 3 hours and 11 minutes over 3 mp3s
Retail value $350
"Thank you, thank you, thank you for the gift of your amazing book! Thank you for helping me embrace that my questioning, wondering, curiosity, playfulness, oddities, serial entrepreneurship, quest for knowledge, need to know more, desire to be bigger, eagerness to see what else is possible and so much more were in fact human limitations and not my own."
– Kristen

Dr Joe Vitale
Module 7
Millionaire Mindset Secrets
Use The Unlimited Power of the Law of Attraction
Leave all financial limits behind & awaken the Millionaire inside you.

Awakened Millionaire Secrets
9 hours of streaming video and 13 hours of streaming audio from the Awakened Millionaire Weekend Live Event
Retail value $997

Attract Money Now! Home Study Course
10+ Hours of video presentations from the live Attract Money Now! event
Retail value $497

Attract a New Car
4 MP3s totaling 4 hours, and 128 pages of PDF transcripts
Retail value $19.97
“I have spent the last 30 years, reading, attending seminars, and calls about all kinds of spiritual information. Some of the information has been vague or left questions in my mind. Joe's calls were the exception to the last 30 years that I have spent searching for "real specifics" on manifesting anything that one really and truly desires. Not only did I thoroughly enjoy all the calls for "Attract a New Car," but I strongly recommend Joe's book The Attractor Factor. Could be my favorite book on how to attract anything you want."
Jackie Rosenfeld

Brent Phillips
Module 8
The Formula for Wealth
Release the Millionaire Within You
Harness the power of your subconscious to unleash your true power.

The Formula for Wealth
8 hours of video and 8 hours of audio
Retail value $397

30 Days to Spiritual Awakening
32 MP3s totaling 8 hours and 154 pages of PDF worksheets
Retail value $397

6 Recordings of the World Wide Wealth Club
Six One-hour MP3s
Retail value $120
“I manifested a much-needed reliable automobile that with some repairs is now worth about $4,000. Two weeks later, a 1990 Toyota Camry in excellent condition and low mileage was given to my wife. My state of being has shifted from fear and self doubt to self-confidence and peace of mind. For the first time ever, I feel like I’m in charge of my life. This training has been one of the best things I ever manifested. "