Emmanuel Dagher and Lisa Garr discuss
The Pathway to Prosperity
The Four-Step Wealth Formula
A 52 Minute Guided Meditation
Think Less and Feel More to Manifest Abundance
“The key to creating more abundance in your life is to think less and feel more,” says Emmanuel Dagher, my guest today on the Money Manifestation Summit. “Those people who are thriving financially and truly happy, they get that.” When Emmanuel brought up Oprah Winfrey, and how she had figured out how to harness true happiness through giving and gratitude, this spiritual intuitive finally dove deep into the subject that our Money & Manifestation Summit has only touched on until now:
Money is an energy of flow.
“Money is simply the embodiment of giving and receiving. It is the universal energy of circulation in physical form.” – Emmanuel Dagher
I’m going to repeat that last sentence, because I think it is so important. Money is the universal energy of circulation in physical form. These little paper bills and coins that we carry around, this is spiritual feedback for us! Cash in our hands, balances in our bank accounts, this is a fully alive frequency that is actually a living, breathing energy. As we invite this energy to us and through us, the amount of money that we have is a physical manifestation of how well we are living in alignment with the circulation of money.

Aligning With the Energetic Flow of Prosperity
If we treat money as a lifeless object, and we abuse it, and we judge it, the energy of money is traumatized in our life. Our relationship with money matters. To heal this energy, Emmanuel guides his students into ‘zero-point energy’ – a place where there is no future, and no past, only the present, eternal moment of now. From this place, when you feel gratitude for all of the blessings you have in your life, and all of the abundance that you already possess, the energy of money knows it is safe with you.

The Place of Eternal Abundance
It is so easy to serve as a witness to healing other people, and to believe that their healing is possible; but as many empaths and intuitives know, when it comes to healing yourself, it can be much more difficult. That’s why the zero-point energy is so fantastic.
When you arrive in this place, you shed all of your judgments about how your life has been in the past, and all of your concerns about how your life should be in the future. When you are fully, 100% present in the eternal Now, you can invoke the energy that you know will heal you, and there is nothing to interfere with its manifestation.
Emmanuel took us through a powerful 18 minute guided meditation that left me feeling uplifted and vibrant. He also answered some of the questions from the audience so clearly and completely, I know that many of my listeners are going to experience profound shifts in their ability to manifest after watching this interview. “The biggest secret is to feel more and think less,” he said. “When we try to get it, and try to do it, it’s not going to happen. You need to release it, and then it will come.”

How to Heal the Energy of Money
When energy workers get specific about their process, and describe what it feels like to do their work, I am always fascinated. Emmanuel said he has three steps: he expands out, absorbs the energy, and releases it. He does this from the zero-point energy field, in the eternal present moment: expanding his awareness, absorbing the energies he wnats to manifest (or dissipate), and then releases that energy through his expanded being.
“There is no word that could describe what the Universe is,” Emmanuel explains, “except for Love. It is an unwavering frequency of expansion and evolution. In that energy, if we tap into it, everything is possible. Everything.”
The energy work that Emmanuel provides is unparalleled. He has packaged together two of his programs focused on Abundance and Money Healing especially for the Money Manifestation Summit, and I can tell you after listening to them: you will see results. Your relationship with money is about to change!

Get the All-Access Pass to Manifest Wealth & Abundance!
Module 5

The Pathway to Prosperity
with Emmanuel Dagher
Emmanuel Dagher has become recognized internationally as one of the most compassionate mystics of our time. With a background in Spiritual Psychology and an abundance of advanced certifications in holistic and alternative healing therapies, Emmanuel shares his gifts with all those who are ready to start receiving it.
Module 5 Description
Each session you co-create with Emmanuel begins with connecting to Source Energy, the Zero-Point Energy Field of infinite possibility.
From this space, you will then release the root blocks and patterns often developed during past lifetimes and earlier on in life, that may still be keeping you from adding the OMG into your experience of abundance!
This is done through a modality called Core Energy Therapy©, which combines several holistic healing therapies that are based on applied quantum physics.
This method allows us to anchor healing on a conscious, subconscious and cellular level to lift out the deeply rooted blocks, traumas and patterns that may be keeping you from living the life you desire most. This healing system will help you to transform your life from the inside-out.
The releasing/healing portion of each session prepares you to then fully receive an abundance activation. During every session, you will also be given an action step to help anchor the healing we co-create during our time together.
What you will learn:
- Clear the most common blocks that prevented you from experiencing a prosperous life
- Open yourself up to receiving all of your Divine Inheritance
- Receive powerful time tested tools & processes to create a healthy relationship with your finances
- Experience money as the sacred & spiritual gift that it truly is
- Step into & maintain a new paradigm of true prosperity
Reconnect with the infinite stream of abundance that lives within & all around you. The days of living in a mentality of lack are over!
This life changing series has supported thousands in creating a paradigm shift with the way they experience prosperity forever, and now YOU have access to it.
Get ready for the transformation of your LIFETIME!

“It is absolutely awesome to feel the shift: I get out of the hospital I work in, feel tired, got a long day. I enter my car, Emmanuel’s music plays on and *switch* it feels better, I sing along, enjoy the music and the positive vibrations. I am already waiting for the next album to follow.”
Céline Kever
“Play my way into prosperity? I did not even comprehend what Emmanuel was talking about when he first mentioned this to me. Through working together, I finally understood it. My financial situation has since completely shifted from being in major debt to being debt free and abundantly thriving within a 6 month time. I'm glad there was a part of me strong enough to ask for help."
Fred Seizmore
"My work with Emmanuel has catapulted the most powerful and rapid healing process of my life. I'm still pinching myself because I still can't believe it! I continue to work with Emmanuel on a consistent basis and all the doors that were once closed to me, have completely opened up from my body healing to my ability to feel real happiness again, and so much more, I am so grateful."
Paige Lauder

Emmanuel Dagher

The OMG Path to Greater Abundance
8 MP3 Audios totaling more than 4.5 hours
Retail value $197

Four 60 minute MP3s and 3 PDF Action Worksheets
Retail value $197

5 Step Money Healing Process
1 MP3 totaling 10 minutes
Retail value $19
Plus! 7 more modules and bonuses from these authors: