Joe Vitale and Lisa Garr discuss
Millionaire Mindset Secrets
Read the Abundance Manifesto by Joe Vitale
31 Page PDF
Making Peace with Money
“You never have to worry about money,” says Dr Joe Vitale, today’s guest on the Money & Manifestation Summit. Worrying about money doesn’t ever help. Worry will not propel you to take action, it doesn’t solve your problems, and it definitely doesn’t help you to attract or manifest. Worrying is, simply, the worst thing you can do when you’re broke. Decades ago, when Joe was poor and homeless, he worried about money all the time. Then he began studying the works of Neville Goddard, a New Thought author and a pioneer of the early Law of Attraction movement. Neville taught his students to feel what they wanted, and feel it as if it had already happened. Feel that you are already wealthy, right now. Imagine that it has already happened this morning. What does that feel like? Using his methods, Joe was able to completely turn his life around, by changing his mindset about money.
Feeling Good About Money
You may have heard the phrase, “Money is the root of all evil.” Dr Vitale reminded our listeners that the actual biblical passage reads, “The *love* of money is the root of all evil.” How we feel about money is really important, especially if we are trying to manifest more money. Can you imagine having a relationship with a person the way that you have a relationship with money? You ignore it most of the time, you don’t like to talk about it, and anytime you directly address money, it’s only to complain or to worry about it. That is not a healthy relationship, and it will make money stay away from you.
Affirmations of Abundance
Joe turned his life around when he was finally able to make peace with money. He rattled off a few statements to describe his current relationship with money that were, I could tell, just how he habitually thought about it all the time:
- There is more than enough
- I am worthy of the first class of everything
- The more I spend the more I receive
- The more I give the more I receive
Joe’s relationship with money is very flowing. He doesn’t fear money, he doesn’t hoard money, he circulates and spends money freely, knowing that there is always more. “Life is an optical illusion,” he said, “and you can live in a world of abundance or a world of scarcity.” Every hour, 1.3 trillion dollars changes hands in the world. When you look at it from the perspective of abundance, there is nothing to fear, and there is always enough.
You Deserve To Be Wealthy
When you feel that money is good, and you are good, and you are continually grateful for the money that comes into your life (and grateful for the money that goes out of your life, too!) this allows you to do the things that make money come to you. Most people reach an invisible barrier to having too much money in their lives, and that is what is keeping them from manifesting money. Nobody else is keeping you from making more, it’s only us, and our beliefs, that are limiting us. The two things you can do to overcome those limiting beliefs, says Dr Vitale, are to feel appreciation for money, and to *act*. Taking action is the key ingredient that most people miss when they are trying to work with the Law of Attraction – they do it all in their head, instead of manifesting in the real world.
Joe once held a teleseminar called, “How to Attract a New Car.” He showed his students, step by step, how to visualize, attract, and manifest a new car, and the results were incredible! He has included recordings of this teleseminar in a huge package called “Millionaire Mindset Secrets,” and I’ve been loving this material.
Read all about it in the module description below.

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Module 7

Millionaire Mindset Secrets
with Joe Vitale
Dr Joe Vitale is the author of The Attractor Factor, Life’s Missing Instruction Manual, The Key, Faith, Attract Money Now and Zero Limits. He’s also recorded many Nightingale-Conant audio programs, including The Awakening Course, The Missing Secret, The Abundance Paradigm, The Ultimate Law of Attraction Library and The Zero Point. His Miracles Coaching® program helps people understand the deeper aspects of the Law of Attraction and the law of right action.
Module 7 Description
Are you ready to leave all your financial limits behind, and think like an Awakened Millionaire?
Joe Vitale is on an inspired mission to help you start (or transform) a business that creates as many streams of income as you desire.
No matter what condition your finances are in, the theories, practices, and experiential exercises within this program will assist you in creating more financial abundance in your life with a greater sense of ease and well being.
You can dispel any beliefs that may have put you in a place of victimhood, scarcity, and lack in your life, and create new practices and beliefs that will put you in a place of personal empowerment and financial well-being.
Joe provides you with practices, theories, and tools that can literally shift your life into one in which attracting money and creating continuing business opportunities become an ongoing occurrence.
What You Will Learn:
You’ll discover how an Awakened Millionaire thinks (this one Secret transformed Mr. Fire from being homelessness to success!) You will also learn:
- What it means to be awakened and why it’s so important
- How you can create your own awakened life filled with miracles
- The steps to get out of the “victim” mentality
- Ways to turn your fears into catalysts for success
- How to move beyond ego
- 5 steps for attracting anything or anyone into your life
- The missing secret for making the Law of Attraction work every time
- How the universe works (the real truth)
- Cleaning and clearing methods allowing miracles
- New perspectives on money, role models, and the power of your unconscious
- How to re-state complaints into positive life-changing intentions
- The role gratitude plays in attracting what you want in your life
- How to co-create with the Divine
- A rare Hawaiian healing method and how you can use it to clean blocks
- How to prepare yourself to become “awakened”
- Answers to questions on spirituality, ego, fear, children, and business

“Just when you think you understand how the world works Joe Vitale comes along and takes you to a whole new place. He's engaging, entertaining, enlightening and - oh boy - does he ever stretch your thinking.”

Ian P.
“Dr Vitale, thank you very much. I started to do everything you talk about on your CDs and it's WORKING!!!!! Nobody, NO ONE - helped me more with my own personal development as you have. I sincerely thank you. Keep up the good work. You are a credit to your craft. ”
Marie Horocki
“I have spent the last 30 years, reading, attending seminars, and calls about all kinds of spiritual information. Some of the information has been vague or left questions in my mind. Joe's calls were the exception to the last 30 years that I have spent searching for "real specifics" on manifesting anything that one really and truly desires. Not only did I thoroughly enjoy all the calls for "Attract a New Car," but I strongly recommend Joe's book The Attractor Factor. Could be my favorite book on how to attract anything you want."
Jackie Rosenfeld

Dr Joe Vitale

Awakened Millionaire Secrets
9 hours of streaming video and 13 hours of streaming audio from the Awakened Millionaire Weekend Live Event
Retail value $997

Attract Money Now! Home Study Course
10+ Hours of video presentations from the live Attract Money Now! event
Retail value $497

Attract a New Car
4 MP3s totaling 4 hours, and 128 pages of PDF transcripts
Retail value $19.97
Plus! 7 more modules and bonuses from these authors: